Activity 7

Reflection Activity

NEWS FLASH! ‘Ghost ship' of Sutton Hoo to sail again!

The Anglo-Saxon vessel found in the Sutton Hoo burial mound in Suffolk 80 years ago will sail again as experts look to rebuild the ship from digital 3D models.

Dated back to the early 7th century, the 90 foot (27 metre) - long vessel is oft dubbed a 'ghost ship' due to its manner of preservation. In the mound... only the impression of the ship and its iron rivets remained, the timber having long rotted away.

Nevertheless, a team of archaeologists and shipbuilders have succeeded in creating a three-dimensional digital mock-up of the vessel to allow it to be reconstructed.

Experts hope that recreating a full-size, fully operational version of the ship will help shine light on how the Anglo-Saxons began England's tradition of seafaring. 

The vessel is hoped to take its first voyage across the seas in 2022.

From the article by Ian Randall, MailOnline, December 9th 2019

Sketch of ship found in the mound.


Your Task

Answer the questions below on screen or in this Word Doc version to save your answers.

A textbook conclusion

The following is a common statement that you read in textbooks.

‘King Rædwald was an Anglo-Saxon monarch who ruled the kingdom of East Anglia — what is today the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. His reign is believed to have lasted from 599–624 AD, at which point he was placed in a ship burial at Sutton Hoo, near Woodbridge, in Suffolk.

Rædwald was the first king of the East Angles to convert to Christianity, although he continued to practice pagan rites — reportedly maintaining a pagan alter alongside his Christian one — until his death. He was a member of the Wuffingas dynasty.’

Which of the highlighted statements above can you say, based on your research, for certain are true? Which might need more evidence to be proven?

Color True More Evidence

Knowledge and skills checklist.

Give an example of how you used each of the following skills in this unit of work. Some examples have been given to help you get started.

What are the mysteries of Sutton Hoo?

Identifying the issue

Analysing the issue

Interpreting relevant sources of evidence

Comparing/evaluating accounts

Connecting various sources of evidence

Identifying causes of events

Sequencing historical events

Forming conclusions

Presenting these conclusions

Understanding continuity and change

Finding out more

You can find out more about the Sutton Hoo mystery, and check out more of the objects that were found, by visiting the British Museum website at