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Global History Mysteries Quiz

How many people and events in world history do you know? Perhaps you know more than you think!

Play this discovery quiz to find out. Choose a historical figure as your avatar. You can play as a solo player or against a friend. You can earn points and collect cards along the way to display in your certificate of completion. The winner is the one with the most points. Good luck.

Woollarawarre Bennelong
Australian Aborginal Man

Player 1

No Player

Player 2 (Optional)

Guest's turn
Certificate of Completion

How to play one two player mode

Roll the dice to move around the board. If you land on a blue dot you will get a question card.

For each correct answer you will get two points. If you use the hint button and get the answer correct you will only get one point. Collect each correct card and at the end of the game you will be able to show these on your certificate of completion.

Keep playing to improve your score and collect more cards.

For each correct answer you will move forward two spots. If you use the hint and are correct, then you will move one spot forward. If you are incorrect the other player will receive a turn. Correct cards will be added to each players collection. First to the end wins!

How to use

Play this discovery quiz to find out when and where defining moments happened in Australia.

Start by choosing a historical figure to be your ‘Avatar’ for yourself and an optional second player.

In one player mode you will gain two points for each correct answer. However, if you use the hint button and get the answer correct you will only receive one point. The player with the most points wins the game. As you play the game, cards will be added to your collection when you answer a question correctly. At the end of the game you will be able to see these in your certificate of completion.

In two player mode you will move forward two places for a correct answer but only one place if you use the hint. If you give an incorrect answer it will switch to the other player’s turn. The first player to make it to the end of the playing board wins the game. As you play the game, cards will be added to your collection when you answer a question correctly. At the end of the game you will be able to see these in your certificate of completion.

Score: 0


Score: 0
