GHM for Home Schools

As educators our endeavor is to make our products available to all schools including home schools.

Both Global History Mysteries and the award-winning Australian History Mysteries have been developed by experienced practicing teachers to maximise engagement for home school students who may work unassisted on the resources at their own pace and their own level of interest.

The resources – games, videos, on-line activities, PDF worksheets and history decision-makers – challenge students to investigate exciting events of the past, to sift through the evidence of time, make decisions, solve history mysteries for themselves and reflect upon their learning.

This enquiry learning program is scaffolded to suit students with different learning abilities and styles and meets the Content and Outcome requirements of the History / HSIE national and state/territory curricula for Years 7 and 8 Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance history.

Importantly the resources will save both teachers and home school educators lesson-planning time enabling them to enjoy greater interaction with their students.

Best of all, we have created a unique affordable offer for home schools!

Complete the form for instant access for only $110 AUD / £60 GBP.

*Australian subscriptions include 10% GST. Price for annual subscription. Cancel anytime.