FREE What are the mysteries of Sutton Hoo?

After the Roman army withdrew from Britain in 410 CE groups of Germanic peoples from northwest Europe crossed the North Sea to settle parts of southern and eastern Britain. Eventually a new Anglo-Saxon culture and several distinct kingdoms emerged.

The early Anglo Saxons did not leave us written records but the objects they placed in graves give us some insight into their world.

The history mystery video introduces you to Sutton Hoo, a medieval burial site discovered in County Suffolk, England – a site with many mysteries uncovered over the last 100 years. The video sets up specific investigations for you to explore in truly interactive ways through map analysis, an archaeological dig, picture analysis, museum presentations, and reflection activities.

Sift through the evidence of time, make decisions, and solve historical mysteries for yourselves!

Case Study unit of work inquiry structure

  • ACTIVITY 1 What are the mysteries of Sutton Hoo? Video Visit
    ‘Visit’ Sutton Hoo, a medieval burial site discovered in County Suffolk, England – a site with many mysteries uncovered over the last 100 years. Watch the video and answer the following questions before exploring these mysteries for yourselves.
  • ACTIVITY 2 Where is Sutton Hoo?
    Google maps and diagrams enable you to explore the geography of the Sutton Hoo site and investigate why Angles and the Saxons settled this part of England.
  • ACTIVITY 3 What are the secrets beneath the mounds?
    The early Anglo Saxons did not leave written accounts for us to study but the objects they placed in graves give us some idea of their world and their lifestyle. Examine each of the burial mounds to find out who and what were buried here.
  • ACTIVITY 4  Sutton Hoo dig – what can you discover?
    Welcome to the Sutton Hoo dig site in Suffolk, England. You are tasked with carrying out an archaeological dig to recover objects that tell us something about what life was like for Anglo-Saxon people living there at the time.
  • ACTIVITY 5 Investigating the ‘glittering grave goods’ of Sutton Hoo
    Some 263 objects were buried in the central chamber of an enormous Anglo-Saxon ship, described as ‘glittering grave goods’. How do these objects help solve our mystery – who was buried in the Sutton Hoo ship?
  • ACTIVITY 6 Sutton Hoo evidence checklist
    It’s now time to summarise what you have learned from the video and from your own examination of the Sutton Hoo archaeological site.
  • ACTIVITY 7 Reflection Activity
    Examine recent evidence about Sutton Hoo and complete a skills and knowledge activity to assess your learnings from this investigative unit.

Humanities and Social Sciences
History Year 8: Medieval Europe and early modern world

Case Study Resources

  • Interactive website
  • Print Resources (PDF)
  • Worksheets (DOC)
  • High Quality Video